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Boosters Club

Deering High School Athletic Boosters

Boosters Purpose: Non-Profit

The purpose of the P/W Boosters is to enrich athletics by supplementing and complementing the efforts of the Portland Public Schools in providing Interscholastic Athletic Activities at Deering High School. Additionally, it seeks to minimize additional expenses to families, and in an equitable, organized, efficient, accountable and financially sound manner to provide for all student-athletes at DHS. The P/W Boosters shall at all times act in a fashion consistent with the principles, policies and administrative procedures and guidelines of the Portland Public Schools. The organization maintains 501c-3 non-profit status.

Support the Athletic Boosters Club

Boosters: Definition

Boosters are parents and guardians of Deering High School student-athletes who want to help raise funds to support all athletic endeavors at Deering High School. The P/W Booster Club was formed primarily to support student athletes with obtaining team resources for in-season sports participation. The Booster Club is separate from any PPS District funding and support, and they are not under the control of, nor are they the responsibility of, the administration, superintendent or Athletic Director.

Boosters Membership: General

General Membership is open to any person (parent/guardian/staff) who has an interest in supporting the purpose of the P/W Boosters. The General Members shall have no authority or voting rights with respect to governance of the Boosters. The day-to-day activities of the Boosters shall be governed by a Board of Directors (Officers). The role of the General Members shall be to generally support the purpose of the P/W Boosters. 

Boosters Membership: Team Representatives

Membership is open to any person who has a child or ward actively participating in a given DHS athletic team who is interested in supporting the purpose of the P/W Boosters. To become a member (rep.), an individual must attend at least one (1) Boosters (monthly) meeting and provide his or her name and contact information to the Boosters Secretary. The role of the members (reps) shall be to generally support the purpose of the P/W Boosters, and to provide feedback and guidance when requested by the Board of Directors (Officers). Members are encouraged to attend monthly Boosters meetings to provide requested feedback and guidance. Members also regularly assist and support DHS Head Coaches in coordinating team fundraising activities.

Click here for booster club info

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor