We provide resources for students so that they can succeed in a global economy. We expect students to be responsible for these resources and it is our goal to guide students into learning skills that enable them to succeed on their own in their post-graduate plans.
Prayer in School
Students are allowed to pray in school. For Muslim students wishing to pray during school hours, the following protocol has been devised (in coordination with DHS students, administration, and local Imams). During standard time (March to November), students wishing to pray may be excused at 12:50 for ablutions and daily prayers. These students should return to class by 1:00. During daylight savings (November to March), participating students may be excused from class at noon and are expected to return by 12:10. Any student leaving class should follow the teacher’s typical sign-out procedures and should check in with the teacher about any missed activities. Students who abuse the accommodation will not be allowed to leave the class.
Visitors/Deliveries to Students at School
In order to ensure the safety of our students and staff, visitors to the school must report directly to the Main Office upon arrival at the school. Visitors will be asked to sign in and will be issued a visitor’s badge. Visitors who are not wearing a badge can expect to be approached by staff members and escorted to the office. Any delivery of flowers or gifts to students while at school must go through the main office, using the Stevens Ave entrance or by ringing the buzzer on the back patio.
Student Privileges
As part of the belief that students at Deering should be empowered to succeed, we also empower them with certain privileges that allow them to demonstrate their degree of responsibility.
3 Course Permission
Juniors or Seniors with a study hall during the school day (blocks two or three), may be allowed to leave campus during their study hall, provided they complete the proper paperwork and do not abuse this privilege. A 3 course permission form is available in the Guidance Office, or the Assistant Principals’ office. When completed, forms must be returned to the Assistant Principals’ office. Upon approval, study hall will be removed from the student’s schedule, and they will no longer be required to attend. Forms MUST be returned before a student is allowed to leave a study hall. A senior or junior must be enrolled in six courses to qualify. The form details other specific eligibility requirements.
Field Trips
All field trips shall be approved in advance by the principal. In addition, out-of-state or overnight trips shall be approved in advance by the superintendent. Field trips shall be coordinated with the goals and objectives of the curriculum, and there shall be appropriate preparation and follow-up activities. Students will be appropriately supervised. Parental permission forms shall be required for schoolsponsored educational trips and activities.
Messages for Students
We understand that at times it becomes necessary for parents to get messages to their students. If this is the case, parents are asked to call the school office. Messages for students will be delivered during lunch and if possible at passing time between blocks. In order to limit distraction to learning, we typically will not interrupt class time for messages, but reserve the right to do so in cases of emergency. Students may use an office telephone in an emergency and with permission.
School Cancelation or Delay
In the event of an emergency or weather-related school delay, cancellation, or early closing, announcements are made on local radio and television stations, and on the district website. Please do not call the school office for this information, as telephone lines are very busy during these times. School delays or cancellations are announced beginning at approximately 6:00 a.m. Early school closings may require announcements during the school day. The information is also posted on the district web site at www.portlandschools.org
School Building
Built in 1922, we are proud of the historic building that houses Deering High School. Designed in the Tudor revival style and named the most beautiful high school in Maine by Architectural Digest magazine in 2017, the building has had additions in 1932 and 1982 and houses our student population on three floors.
Cafeteria & Lunches
Breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria are available for free to all Deering students. The use of the cafeteria space is a privilege, and inappropriate behavior in the cafeteria may be grounds for disciplinary action. We expect students to behave courteously to staff members and to each other. Students are well advised to support each other in maintaining a civil cafeteria environment.
All students have open campus privileges during lunch. To leave at any other time during the day, a student must be a junior or senior with privileges. Administrators reserve the right to rescind these privileges from any student whose decisions violate our core values or result in missing class time.
All families are encouraged to fill out an application for Free and Reduced Lunch. For information on meal prices, menus, and payment information, please see the district website.
Deering High School Library
The library is open from 8:00AM – 2:30 Monday through Friday. On early release Wednesday, the Library will close the same time as student dismissal. Students may use the library freely before and after school depending on the hours. The library is closed during lunch. No food or drink (except water) is allowed.
Quiet study is expected in the library to ensure an academic atmosphere. Assigned seating may be required to maintain order.
Library Research Passes
To use the library during a study hall, students must obtain a library research pass from the librarian. After obtaining this pass, the student needs to check with their study hall teacher, and sign in when they reach the library. When leaving the library, the student needs to get their pass stamped and return to study hall. (Passes will not be issued if a class is signed up to use the library during a particular block).
Overdue Library Books
Books are checked out for a 3-week period. If a book is not returned after 3 weeks, the student will get an overdue notice in Deering Coaching. Students with overdue books will not be allowed to check out additional books until the overdue books are returned. The DHS Library does not charge “fines”, but does charge replacement costs for lost or damaged books. Seniors who have not resolved outstanding overdue or missing book responsibilities may not participate in graduation ceremonies.
Library Volunteers
Please see the librarian if you are interested in volunteering to help out in the library during a free block.
Personal Property
The Portland Public Schools are not responsible for theft or damage to students’ personal property, including money and electronics. We urge students to leave at home items of significant value that are not needed during the school day. Personal belongings should be stored in assigned school lockers for safekeeping. Do NOT put any valuables in lockers in the locker room in the gym.
Student Lockers
Freshmen are issued lockers at the beginning of their freshman year. Students keep the locker they are assigned until graduation. Locker assignments are made by the guidance department.
Physical education teachers will issue lockers and combinations to students. One locker is for books and personal articles; the other is in the gymnasium for the purpose of keeping gym
clothes. Guidelines for use of these lockers:
Keep all lockers locked at all times.
Do not keep large sums of money or valuables in a locker. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.
Report immediately to the teacher in charge and to the Main Office any loss of money or property.
Report to the Guidance Office any lockers that do not work properly.
Bring any found items immediately to the Office so that the owner can be located.
Remember: there is no district insurance to cover losses from lockers.
LOCKER CLEAN OUT will be held on the last full day of classes in June.
Two weeks following the close of school in June, all lost and found items will be donated to charity.
Lockers, desks and other school storage facilities are school property, and remain under the control, custody and supervision of the school even when they are assigned to individual students. Students have no expectation of privacy in school storage facilities or for any items placed in such facilities. School officials have the authority to inspect and search storage facilities and their contents on a random basis, with or without reasonable suspicion and without notice or consent. Only locks provided by the school may be used on lockers and all other locks will be removed.
Lockers, desks and other school storage facilities are school property, and remain under the control, custody and supervision of the school even when they are assigned to individual students. Students have no expectation of privacy for school storage facilities or for any items placed in such facilities. School officials have the authority to inspect and search storage facilities and their contents on a random basis, with or without reasonable suspicion, and without notice or consent. Only locks provided by the school may be used on lockers and all other locks will be removed.
School officials may also search students’ wallets, purses, backpacks, pockets, automobiles, and other property when they have a reasonable suspicion that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating the law, School Committee policies, and/or school rules.
Illegal and/or prohibited items such as firearms, weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, stolen property, or other items determined to be a threat to the safety or security of the school will be seized and the student’s parent/guardian notified. Evidence may be forwarded to law enforcement as deemed appropriate by school officials, even if the search was initiated for school purposes. See School Committee Policy JIH.
Transportation and Parking
Bus or ferry transportation is provided for eligible high school students in accordance with School Committee guidelines regarding specific geographic areas. Special education students or students with medical issues who do not meet the distance requirement may be allowed to ride the bus under some circumstances. School buses are also frequently used for transportation for co-curricular activities. Students and guardians should remember that riding the bus is a privilege and not a right. Students who do not follow the student bus conduct code may be disciplined and/or lose their transportation privileges. If this happens, guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school. (See Policy JICC).
PATHS Transportation
Students who have morning classes at PATHS will use the METRO to arrive there and Portland Public Schools will provide transportation from PATHS back to the student’s school. PPS will also provide transportation to and from PATHS for those students who have afternoon classes. All transportation by school buses is provided from PATHS to the student’s school only.
Parking at Deering High School is reserved for juniors and seniors on a first come basis. A Parking Registration form, available in the Main Office, must be completed. Upon receipt of a completed Parking Registration form with parent signature, students can purchase a parking sticker for $10. Replacement stickers will require a $10.00 fee and a request from the student’s guardian. A lottery may be held to determine students who may park on school grounds. All students must provide the vehicle registration number (VIN) of all vehicles they will be driving to school. Unauthorized vehicles on school grounds are subject to fines and immediate towing at driver’s expense. Parking patrol happens twice a day. A list of approved off-campus areas for parking will be made available in the office. If you receive a parking ticket and wish to dispute it, please contact Portland Parking.
Students may ride the METRO home from any school. Metro Students Transit Pass is provided to high school students by the Portland School District based on a partnership with the Greater Portland Transit District (Metro). Riding the bus is a privilege and not a right.
Students who do not follow the Metro Code of Conduct may be disciplined and/or lose their transportation privileges. If this happens, parents/guardians will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school. Portland Public Schools will provide transportation to high school students who require specialized transportation.
How to get a Metro Card
Students needing a bus card should fill out and return the Metro Use Agreement form. They will then receive instructions on how to set up a Metro account, either via a phone app or using a physical card they receive in the Guidance Office.
Students at Deering High School are provided with several technology resources to enable them to succeed. It is the expectation that students will act responsibly to maintain this technology in order to ensure ongoing access.
Upon enrollment, all students are given a Google Chromebook to be used as a tool to enhance learning. Students are not required to use the school-provided Chromebooks and may choose to use a personal computer. Technology repair hours are available to students who are experiencing issues with their devices. Students are expected to return Chromebooks upon graduation or leaving the school, or if they are not using them and using a personal computer instead.
Lost or damaged Chromebooks (due to negligence) incur a replacement fee of $225. Missing chargers can be replaced for a fee of $45. These fees are not required to be paid at the time of replacement, and the fees should never preclude you from seeking repairs or a replacement device. We ask that you attempt to pay these fees in a timely manner to ensure we have the resources to continue providing one-to-one computing for all students across the district.
Families should fill out and return form P274 – the Computer Use Letter at the beginning of each school year to indicate their acceptance of our Computer Use and Internet Safety Policies.
Google Accounts
Upon enrollment, all students are provided with a school email address and access to the Google Education Suite of programs. This account, which is the studentID@portlandschools.org, should be used to check email and communicate with teachers, as well as access Google Classroom and Google Docs to facilitate online and hybrid learning.
Infinite Campus
Both students and parents can access information about grades, attendance, schedules, and course planning using Infinite Campus at https://ic.portlandschools.org/campus/portland.jsp
Students should log in using their student ID and password for their Google account.
Parents can request access by completing and returning the P29- the IC Parent Portal Agreement. They will then receive instructions on accessing Infinite Campus. The Parent Portal is where parents will be able to fill out forms and information, and sign off on student course plans.
Appropriate Use
Use of the Portland Public Schools computer network and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in cancellation of privileges. (Each student will receive orientation and training in the proper use of the computer network and the Internet.) Based upon the acceptable use guidelines outlined in Policy IJNDB, the Superintendent and/or their designee will deem what is inappropriate use and their decision is final. In addition, the Superintendent and/or their designee may revoke use privileges at any time as required. The administration, faculty and staff of the Portland Public Schools may request the system administrators to deny, revoke, or suspend privileges. See the complete policy Student Computer and Internet Use Policy (IJNDB).
The Deering High School staff recognizes the need for the responsible use of technology in education. While the advantages of technology are clear, we also understand that if limits for students on where, when and how technology is used are not in place, tech can stand in the way of student success; technology can negatively affect concentration / attention, sleep patterns, and students' social and emotional health. Recognizing that tech in school is a complex issue, we offer our phone policy and suggestions for the use of tech outside the classroom.
Our phone policy is that phones are to be off and out of sight during class, and students may not bring them with them when they leave the classroom. Some teachers use a shoe rack or a box in a locked closet to store phones during class. There are very few reasons a student would need to have access to a phone during class. If there is an emergency at home, parents can call the main office at 207-864- 8260.
We strongly recommend that at home, phones be kept in a separate room when students are doing homework and that all devices be in another room when they go to bed.
Rules for Student Use of Phones and Other Electronic Devices
- These devices may not be used in any manner that disrupts the educational process, is illegal, or violates Board policies and/or school rules.
- During classes and school activities, all such devices must be turned off and out of sight. Teachers may ask students to stow their phones in a secure classroom location dur9ing class. We ask that families support teachers in the use of this highly effective classroom management strategy.
- The only exception to this rule is when a teacher specifically authorizes students to use such a personal electronic device for a specific purpose (such as entering an assignment in a PDA).
- If this rule is violated, the teacher may immediately confiscate the device for the remainder of the school day, and discipline may be imposed as provided below.
- Students may use electronic devices between class periods and during lunch periods. Cellular telephones must be kept on "vibrate" mode to avoid disrupting others.
- Students may use electronic devices on field trips and during extracurricular activities only if authorized by the staff member in charge.
- The use of cameras in any type of electronic device is strictly prohibited in locker rooms and restrooms.
- In other locations and at times when students are allowed to use electronic devices, students are required to obtain permission before taking a photograph or video of any individual. Students must also obtain permission from any individual appearing in a photograph or video prior to posting on any social networking site or other Internet site such as YouTube.
- Any use of cellular telephones and other electronic devices that violates any Board policy/procedure or school rule is strictly prohibited. In addition, accessing, viewing, posting, forwarding, downloading or displaying any materials that are defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing and/or illegal is prohibited.
- Student cellular telephones and other electronic devices may be subject to search if there is reasonable suspicion that a student is violating Board policies/procedures and/or school rules.
- A building administrator may maintain possession of an electronic device as long as is reasonably necessary for evidentiary purposes
- Students violating these rules will be subject to discipline, which may include: not being allowed to bring electronic devices to school; or sanctions ranging from detention to expulsion from school depending upon the nature of the offense and the student's disciplinary record.
- Evidence of illegal activities involving electronic devices will be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities and a building administrator may give a device to law enforcement authorities upon request.
Social Media
Your social media use can have ramification outside of the internet. Before communicating digitally about someone else or with someone else...
Remember Yourself: Make sure your online reputation doesn't ruin your “real” reputation.
Remember the Human: Would I and should I say it to the person's face?
Remember your Guardian: Would I want my guardian to read this?
Remember your Future: Would I want my employer or college admissions officer to read this?
Remember to Breathe: Would I respond the same way if I took a five minute break?
Do No Harm to Others: Before communicating digitally about or with someone else, consider...
- Is this my business?
- Am I causing drama?
- Am I making the situation better?