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Welcome Back School Activities Set for August

The 2024-2025 school year officially gets underway for students in September, but schools are also holding open houses and other activities in August to welcome back students and families.

The first day of school for students in grades 1-12 is Tuesday, Sept. 3, the day after the Labor Day holiday. That day will be a full day of school, but Wednesday, Sept. 4 will be the first early release day of the year. Thursday, Sept. 5, is the start date for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. Teachers will return to school beginning Aug. 27 for teacher workdays. View the 2024-2025 district calendar on the district’s website.

(Please note: On the first day of school, Sept. 3, all three middle schools will follow the same schedule, as shown below:

· Grade 6 students -- Start of school - 8:20 am (Breakfast starts at 8:05 am) and early dismissal at 11:50 am (lunch served as regular)

· Grade 7 & 8 students -- Arrive/ Start of school - 11:50 am (bag lunches after arrival) and dismissed at the usual time of 2:50 p.m.)

In August, families are invited to get the jump on the new school year with welcome-back activities that individual schools are holding. The activities include open houses, a watermelon welcome and ice cream and popsicle socials. View the graphic below for a list of dates, times and locations of planned activities, but please also check with your child’s school for more details and any scheduling updates.

First page of the PDF file: StartoftheSchoolYearActivities