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FAFSA Nights Set for Jan. 14 and 16!

All PPS high school seniors and their parents are invited to attend FAFSA Nights this month at Deering High School and Portland High School for assistance completing the online FAFSA form. FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (

Seniors at any of our three high schools – Casco Bay, Deering and Portland – may attend whichever of the two FAFSA Nights is most convenient for them and their families.

Representatives from the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME), high school guidance counselors, and Make It Happen! staff will be on hand to provide processing support. Interpretation will be available. Refreshments will be provided. 

●      Tuesday, January 14: FAFSA Night at Deering High School, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in rooms: 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, and 315.

●      Thursday, January 16: FAFSA Night at Portland High School, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in rooms G-01, G-02, G-03, G-04, G-05, G-06, G-07 and G-08.

All students and their families should plan on arriving promptly at 6:30 p.m.. Arriving on time will enable everyone to complete the FAFSA during the workshop.

Dependent students and parents must bring the following information and documentation:

●      Please log on to to create and secure an FSA ID, one for the student and one for at least one parent, in advance of this event. Parents may also retrieve an FSA ID created for another of their children in the past at

●      Please be ready to provide Social Security Numbers for both the student and parent.

●      Alien Registration Number (“Green Card” - if you are not a U.S. citizen).

●      2023 Federal Income Tax returns, 2023 W-2s, and other records of money earned. (Note: You may be able to transfer your federal tax return information into your FAFSA using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.).

●      Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable).

If applicable, you will also need:

●      Your and your parent/s’ 2023 untaxed income information including workers compensation, Black Lung Benefits, untaxed portions of Railroad Retirement Benefits, foreign income not taxed by any government, disability benefits (etc.) received (and, if married, your spouse) in 2023, and/or untaxed portions of health savings accounts from IRS Form 1040 Schedule 1-line 12.

●      Your and/or your parents’ current business and investment mortgage information, business and farm records, stock, bond, and other investment records.