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Showing Our Appreciation for Deering's Counselors

This week, schools across the US are celebrating National School Counseling Week, a time to recognize the important work of these caring professionals. At Deering, students are so lucky to have our outstanding counseling team: Laurie Medeiros, Shawn Kennedy, Aley Watts, and Colleen Demers. They're all so supportive, helping students navigate course selections and graduation requirements, explore college and career options, and provide a safe space to talk about anything that's on their minds.  From personalized support and advocacy to those helpful grade-level meetings where they explain all the opportunities, they're always there.  They play a crucial role in shaping the positive climate at Deering, working closely with staff to ensure our school is a place where everyone can succeed.  They're reliable, helpful, and work hard to make Deering a fantastic school. They're invested in students' academic success, their experiences at Deering, and their post-graduation plans.

If you want to show your appreciation during School Counseling Week, here are a few easy but meaningful ways to do it. Send a thank you email directly to your counselor, stop by Ms. Davenport's office for a post-it note to write a quick thank you and stick it on their door, or just pop in to say thanks in person. Let's show our counselors how much we appreciate them!