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Course Catalog

Selecting Courses to Achieve Goals

Thoughtful planning will help students achieve the goals they have for high school and their future. Our course catalog provides information regarding the minimum graduation requirements as well as the wide variety of elective courses available to students. 

Click Here To view COURSE CATALOg

Although Deering High School makes every effort to meet course requests, certain course configurations are not always possible. The counselors in the Guidance Department are available to assist students with exploring course options. The counselors can work with students to map out four-year plans and assist students in making decisions around selecting courses to meet particular goals. Students are welcome to drop in to the Guidance Office or make an appointment to meet with their counselor.

contact the Guidance Office

Class Schedule

At DHS we have a 4x4 schedule, meaning that you have 4 classes in the fall and 4 different classes in the spring. Your classes meet every day, in the same order, for every day of the semester (the schedule doesn’t alternate on A/B days). 

  • Students like this schedule because the routine is clear and easy to follow. 

  • 4x4 schedule also gives you the opportunity to “double up” on subjects. 
    • You might need to double-up by adding a stepping-stone class for support OR 
    • You might want to accelerate in a subject you love. The Deering schedule is good for the subjects you struggle in and for the subjects you excel in. 

Counselor ask about students favorite subjects and learn about their personalities so that their schedule fits their needs, goals, and future plans. The 4x4 schedule allows students to go beyond the minimum requirements and onto all kinds of interesting options. 

We have the most students taking college classes while still in high school of any school in southern Maine!